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Live Catch Mouse Traps: Humane and Poison Free Solutions to Mouse Infestations

Live catch mouse traps are ideal for small mouse infestations, they are clean, cause little to no stress for the mouse and as long as you release the mouse at least a mile away from your home, your little furry friend won't be able to find his way back. I love that you don't need to kill or maim the little creatures - the worst and cruelest traps are the glue traps - how are you supposed to deal with a mouse stuck to a sheet of paper and scared half to death already?


If you want to view a selection of top rated designs (and there are plenty), then you may wish to consider these live catch mouse traps.


The multiple catch traps are excellent, I have caught at least five mice in one night, but look at the reviews as there are some great hints on how to maximise your catch rate. I discovered that a jelly jar lid filled with water is fantastic bait in warm weather - it works.


Try to prevent them too by placing cotton wool balls soaked in peppermint oil (100% pure or it won't work). The mice hate the oil as it burns their sensitive noses, so they keep well away and your house will smell like Christmas candy canes.


Click the image below and go to the link, there is a great selection of humane mouse traps that are effective and will make your home mouse free in a matter of days.



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